
Volume of extracts on the mines of Minas Geraes

[Letter] London [to] Mr Goodrich, Portsea or at Mr Peake's Dockyard, Portsmouth/ Sam[ue]l Rehe. [He has received, for Goodrich, the Society of Arts' premium of £65]

Receipt from Leonard Raisbeck to Robert Foster for £0.6.10 for glazing for the Sugar House

Note regarding payment on the Sugar House mortgage of £33.14.0 from Raisbeck, Gray and Burdon to Cuthbert Burrell

Receipt from George Hutchinson and John Simpson to Raisbeck, Gray and Burdon for £8.14.0 for timber for the Sugar House

Receipt from Mr Raisbeck, Stockton for the Sugar House to A Hall for £4.16.2

Receipt from Leonard Raisbeck, Stockton, for the Sugar House to A Hall for £0.12.6

Drawing depicting elevation of the engine and longitudinary section of the engine house for an atmospherical steam engine

Plan for the engine house and boiler for an atmospherical steam engine

Design for an atmospherical engine steam cylinder with air pump, condenser and winding machinery

Elevation and plan of a crane capable of lifting from five to six tons

Plan for an atmospherical engine steam cylinder with air pump, condenser and winding machinery

Handwritten note

Page from notebook

Type sheet entitled 'To Silver Glass'

Pages 14 and 15 of the Robert Stephenson & Co Ltd minute book no.1

Drawing depicting the transverse section of the engine house and boiler sealing for an atmospherical steam engine

Plan and section of the foundation of part of the SE wall of the New Gun Wharf at Portsmouth Dockyard

Design for a Wooden Wharf wall

Engraving depicting profile of a bridge proposed to be built of granite over the River Thames

Engraving depicting a section of the centres and masonry of granite of the bridge proposed over the River Thames

Drawing depticting Bramah's fire extinguishing engine

Drawing of a wrought iron screw with brass nut and collar for heaving up Penstocks in His Majesty's Dock Yard at Portsmouth

General view of the Engine House for '30 Horse Steam Engine, 1st by Bolton & Watt, and Framing for the Hon'ble the Commissioners of the Navy'

Ground plan of the engine house and framing for the 'Hon'ble the Commissioners of the Navy'

Cross section of the engine house and longitudinal section of the boiler for the 'Hon'ble the Commissioners of the Navy'

Engraving depicting Messrs Telford & Douglas' design of a cast iron bridge of a single arch proposed to be erected across the River Thames

Drawing of the first steam engine erected at Portsmouth Yard (Sadler's Engine)

Printed certificate of the contract for the redemption of land tax in the name of Mrs Sarah Raisbeck

A collection of glass lantern slides capturing the development of flight from an early set of images from the 1909 aviation meeting held at Reims, France through to images of aircraft from Imperial Airways and flying boats in the late Thirties.

The History of Aircraft and Flying


Mr. Wilson's Design for a Cast Iron Bridge over the Thames, instead of the Present London Bridge


Loose sheets from the notebook of Sir William de Wiveleslie Abney

4 sheets

Arrangement drawings of ship 'Flying Fish'

12 items

Folder of photos entitled '12 Wembley Snapshots'


Letter from William Herschel to an unnamed correspondent

3 folders

Entitled: "The Several Plans and Drawings referred to in the Third Report from the Select Committee upon the Improvement of the Port of London"

192 photographic prints

Foulsham and Banfield Ltd Collection


Technical drawing of a roof truss and its projections

166p + plates

Second Report from the Select Committee upon the Improvement of the Port of London

4p on 2 leaves

Set of cover letters

1 sheet

Mem[orandu]m concerning the Mill for rolling Copper/A Morgan. [Bears illustrations]

1 item

Drawing of Cape Government Railway 3'6" Gauge Locomotive

1 item

Drawing of Rohilkund & Kumaon Railway 3'3 3/8" Gauge Locomotive

1 item

Drawing of South Eastern and Chatham Railway 6 Wheel 3300G Water Capacity 4.5T Fuel Capacity 4'8 1/2 " Gauge Tender

1 item

Drawing of 6 Wheel 2350G Water Capacity 250 Cubic Feet 3'6" Gauge Tender General Arrangement

1 item

Drawing of 6 Wheel 3000G Water Capacity 7T Fuel Capacity 5'6" Gauge Tender General Arrangement

1 item

Drawing of 8 Wheel 300G Water Capacity 170 Cubic Feet 5'6" Gauge Tender General Arrangement

1 item

Drawing of 3'6" Gauge Locomotive

1 item

Drawing of 4-4-0 4'8 1/2" Gauge Tender General Arrangement

1 item

Drawing of 6 Wheel 2470G Water Capacity 260 Cubic Feet Fuel Capacity 3'6" Gauge Tender General Arrangement